What Your Gifts Do
Because of the generosity of many members who have contributed to the Foundation, each year we are able to review requests for funding from the Foundation and are blessed to be able to support many projects and programs that serve St. Mark's and God's Kingdom.
Examples of recent grants for Church programs and projects are:
- $7,500 to produce high quality online videos for our Children's Ministry;
- $4,000 for a Young Adult scholarship fund for Mission Trips and Retreats;
- $3,300 for online Bible Study materials for all ages;
- $2,750 for a Singles Ministry Retreat/Conference;
- $2,000 for a parking lot striping machine;
- $2,000 to expand our St Mark's Brass Quartet;
- $1,450 to purchase four new intercom headsets to coordinate the Worship Team;
- $1,380 for 5 staff members and volunteer leaders to attend the Art of Hospitality Conference in Kansas City;
- $1,200 for three utility microphones for additional musical groups (Bells, Brass, Strings, etc.) during worship
- $1,000 for the F Street Rec Center Food Project;
- $1,000 for signage in the Narthex for directions to Children's Ministry Programs.
In November 2010, the Foundation established a special Ministry Education Scholarship Fund in response to a real and growing concern for qualified ministers in regional United Methodist Churches.